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This year we have focused much on mindfulness and money, two topics we don't generally place in the same realm together. However, I hope this year I have been able to show you that success in life and money requires that we focus on more than just being positive. It requires that we actively practice being in the moment. We must learn to practice being fully present and engaged in each passing moment without being distracted by the past or preoccupied with the future. As we experience being fully present, we hold an awareness of our various thoughts and feelings that occur during our moment-to-moment experiences. But not only to notice these thoughts and feelings but to notice without judging them as good or bad. And the final ingredient, to have an attitude of openness, acceptance, and impartiality. Being more openhearted in this way ultimately leads to discovery, understanding, wisdom and discernment, and learning. But how do we know we are doing it right? One of the gripes my therapy and coaching clients alike have is that mindfulness seems so passive. It doesn't feel as if you are actually doing anything so how do I know if I am being doing it right or having any success with it at all. Fair question. And I always say, there will be signs. In today's article we are going to explore together five signs that you actually are living a more mindful and purposeful life.
Sign # 1- You Are Living in Alignment with Your Values

We have written on this one before here at EnvisionCo Blog. We live in a society that forces and/or coerces us to choose what matters. The relentless pressure to succeed, conform, and impress can distort our sense of self-worth. It's hard to separate our genuine values from the expectations imposed by society, family, and friends. We have to accept the invitation to set with ourselves and become comfortable with asking: "What it is that is truly important to me? What makes me happy? What do I care about the most? Who do I care about the most? What am I absolutely passionate about?" It is the answers to questions like these that point us in the direction of our values. The ability to consistently do the little things that exemplify who we are is a key sign that we are living a more mindful and purposeful life.
Sign # 2- No One Else Is Authoring or Scripting Your Story

This goes back to sign number one, that you are living your life in alignment with your values. The relentless societal pressure to succeed, conform, and impress can make it difficult to embrace our unique values. In a world that often prioritizes conformity, it can be challenging to express our authentic selves. The fear of judgment and rejection can stifle our individuality and hinder our personal growth. This is how it is so easy for us to get caught up in careers, marriages, or milestones that are not even unique to us and the path we desire to take. When we are constantly gauging our life success off the fictional and nonfictional Joneses, someone else is in essence holding the pen scripting and authoring our lives. The ability to consistently hold our own pen, writing a story that is uniquely us, is a key sign that we are living a more mindful and purposeful life.
Sign # 3- You Have a Growth Mindset

Maybe you know your values. You value trust. You value respect. You value transparency. You value loyalty. You value being shown appreciation. You value peace. You value openness. You value caring. You value compassion. You value honesty. You value love. You value cooperation. You value faithfulness. Maybe for your it is easy to rattle off your list of values. With all of this in mind, tell me: "How are you growing towards those values?" We all can easily get jammed up in our habits, our systems, or our processes-even when these no longer serve us. In many ways we all are like an ongoing construction project. There is never really a final, finished product. With that growth mindset in mind from time to time, we must step back and observe where we are and ask ourselves the tough question of, "Is what I am currently doing leading me in the direction that I really want to go?" Sometimes, because of our stuckness or even mistakes, the answer is no. Though the values haven't changed, the processes need an upgrade. The ability to consistently focus on a growth mindset in harmony with our values is a key sign that we are living a more mindful and purposeful life.
Sign # 4- You Stay Ready for Opportunity

You are well prepared for the opportunity. You have adapted that growth mindset and understand that it is an ongoing process. You understand that growth is a process, and you have fallen in love, not with your achievements. No. You fell in love with the journey to get your there. You fell in love with the process of improving. Because you have paused, got into the moment, noticed non-judgmentally, and practiced openness, you didn't get stuck. You found understanding. You found wisdom. You found discernment. You learned and developed new skills. Your paying attention to the little things pays off for you each time the opportunity has arrived at your doorstep. The ability to consistently pay attention to the little things and thus be ready when luck happens is a key sign that we are living a more mindful and purposeful life.
Sign # 5- You Have an Attitude of Gratitude

It is so easy in growth work to strive so much, that we get caught up in a dangerous mindset that what we have isn't enough. Those thoughts that we could be doing better can easily entrap us. It is so easy to fall into the mindset to be looking to the next best thing and the next best thing after that. It is so easy to get caught up in continually reaching for the next rung of the ladder. Put another way, a seasoned climber, determined to conquer a challenging cliff face, may become so focused on the next handhold and the next foothold that they miss the opportunity to admire the stunning view from their current position. or rock on the wall. Balance here is key. By pausing to appreciate the view, the climber can regain their perspective, recharge their energy, and approach the remaining climb with renewed focus and determination. The ability to consistently show gratitude for all we have done, and all we have accomplished already is a key sign that we are living a more mindful and purposeful life.
In conclusion, the journey toward a mindful and purposeful life is far from passive; it requires intentionality, openness, and commitment to self-discovery. Each sign we've explored today – from aligning with our values to cultivating gratitude – serves as both a compass and a measure of our progress. Living mindfully doesn’t mean we sideline ambition or avoid planning for the future; rather, it invites us to engage deeply with each present moment, knowing that this engagement itself is where transformation begins. By fostering awareness, non-judgment, and gratitude in our daily lives, we create a foundation not only for personal success but also for lasting fulfillment. Mindfulness empowers us to shape our own stories, embrace growth, and approach life’s opportunities with a readiness born from authentic presence. As we continue on this path, may we find that being mindful isn’t just a practice but a way of truly living – one that brings us closer to our most purposeful, enriched lives. Please remember though, wherever you are on this wellness journey, do not worry about getting it perfect; just get it going. Until next time. Happy reading!
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