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When is the last time you really paid attention to children? Your own children. Your nieces or nephews. Your little cousins. Your neighbor's kids. The youth groups at your local church, libraries, and schools. One thing you will notice is that children's worlds are full of wonder and excitement. When children slow down and look around, they're naturally fascinated by the world. We often associate wonder with big, amazing things. But children don't need grand experiences to find wonder in nature. Children are great at noticing small things and finding joy in the simple. This sense of wonder is crucial for preserving their innocence and helping them see the world with fresh eyes. It can foster curiosity, appreciation, imagination, and creativity. Unfortunately, for most adults, this clear-eyed vision for beauty and wonder fades over time.
Over time, we get used to our surroundings and daily routines. The excitement of new experiences wears off, making it harder to notice the little things that once fascinated us. As adults, we have many responsibilities—work, finances, family, and social commitments. These demands often take our focus away from the present moment, leaving little time to appreciate the beauty around us. Society encourages us to prioritize efficiency, success, and goals, which can make us overlook simple pleasures or moments of wonder that don't seem useful. As adults, we can become more practical and logical, losing the playfulness and creativity that spark awe. Our focus on what's "realistic" can sometimes dim our sense of magic. Life experiences, including disappointments, can lead to a more cynical outlook. As we get older, we may become less trusting and more skeptical, which can reduce our ability to see the world with the same open, curious eyes we had as children. Living in such a reality-focused society can be draining. We need something to help us reconnect with the zest we once had. The joy we found in little things, the curiosity we displayed, and the fun-filled activities that kept our spirits young. Being young at heart is about embracing life with childlike wonder. Here are five activities that might help us reconnect with our inner children.
Draw with Sidewalk Chalk

We only think about this one around homecoming and Halloween. Drawing with sidewalk chalk is a magical way to express your creativity and relieve stress. It's a simple activity that can transport you back to your childhood, bringing a sense of joy and wonder. Whether you're creating intricate designs or simple messages, sidewalk chalk art is a fun way to brighten up your neighborhood and share your artistic vision with the world. So next time you see a box of sidewalk chalk, don't hesitate to pick it up and let your inner artist loose. It's a great way to relax, have fun, and rediscover the joy of creating something beautiful. Your inner child asks that you remember to draw the hop-scotch board.
Playing with Pets

Houdini. Koka. Tyson. These are the rescue kitties that have been taking over my world for the last six weeks. With each passing week, more and more of their little personalities shine through. From nipping at my feet. To the best kitty hugs and snuggles. To zooming around playing with pecans. To running through the house trying to stay out of the nesting box for a few more minutes. There has never been a dull moment. Pets bring us joy and happiness. If you're playing tug-of-war with your dog or chasing your cat with a string, you're definitely tapping into your youthful side. Playing with pets isn't just fun; it's also good for your health. Studies show it can lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and improve your mood. So have fun and play with your furry friend. It's a great way to embrace your inner child and create lasting memories.
Watching Cartoons
Some of my fondest memories are waking up early on Saturday morning to catch Saturday morning cartoons. We were poor and did not have cable. So, getting to watch cartoons was a weeklong wait. But when that glorious day arrived, I donned by bowl, got my favorite cereal, and got lost in the antics of whichever show I was watching. But it was more than just antics of Jerry outwitting Tom, many of my favorite shows taught valuable life lessons and moral stories. Morals and life lessons are something that resonate with us at any age. So don’t feel guilty about indulging in an animated movie or binge-watching your favorite cartoon series. Your inner child says don't forget your comfy pajamas and to grab your favorite snack.
Shower Concert
The shower is my personal concert stage and you cannot tell me that on any given day I am not Whitney Houston, or Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, Selena, or Beyonce. The acoustics, privacy, and warm water create a perfect environment for belting out tunes. I often find myself singing without even thinking about it. Whether it's a classic or a current hit, the music flows freely. These little concerts aren't just about singing; they're about letting loose, expressing myself, and enjoying the moment. If you're a shower singer too, celebrate it. It's a sign of a youthful and vibrant spirit. Hello to my inner little me.
Laugh Uncontrollably, Not Caring Who Sees

Laughter is a universal language of youth and a great way to relieve stress. It's not just a response to humor; it's an expression of joy and positivity. It's like the sound of a dancing soul. Laughter has many short-term benefits, including stimulating organs with oxygen-rich air, activating and relieving our stress response, and improving circulation. Long-term benefits include boosting our immune system, relieving pain, and improving our mood by reducing depression and anxiety. Remember, no matter how old you get, never lose your ability to laugh heartily. If you find yourself in fits of giggles, laughing so hard that your belly hurts, then congratulations, your inner child is welcoming you home.
In a world where responsibilities and routines can drain us and dull our sense of wonder, it's vital to reconnect with the joy and curiosity we once had as children. Simple activities like drawing with sidewalk chalk, playing with pets, watching cartoons, singing in the shower, and laughing without restraint can help us rediscover the awe and playfulness that often fades with age. These moments remind us of the beauty in small things and bring back the youthful spirit we so often lose along the way. By embracing these activities, we can nurture a vibrant inner child and reignite the magic in our everyday lives. So let's take a step back, embrace our youthful spirit, and find joy in the little things that make life truly magical. Let us know in the comments which activity you are going to try. Please remember though, wherever you are on this wellness journey, do not worry about getting it perfect; just get it going. Until next time. Happy reading!
Now. Let's get your inner kid some McDonald's money.
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"We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." ~George Bernard Shaw
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