Aperio a Latin word meaning to open or to bud is the inspiration for the month we know as April in the English-speaking world. How is it outside your window? As I sit and type, I can hear the birds calling to each other. It is a pleasant 73°F. The grass is green, sun is shining, and trees are starting to bud leaves. I start this month by grabbing my Farmer's Almanac to check the weather and planet alignments. In my reading, I learned some fun facts about the enchanting month known as April that I'd like to share with you.
It broke social media. Did you survive yesterday's exciting news?

Reports have been circulating all morning about the possible return of Michael Jordan to the NBA after 2 decades away from the game as a player. He officially retired as a member of the Washington Wizards in 2003.
UPDATED: We can now CONFIRM that MJ has been activated to the Charlotte Hornets' roster, effective immediately. Jordan had this to say at an impromptu press conference held remotely from his house in Charlotte: "After much consideration and reflection, I'm electing to end my retirement and resume my career as an NBA Player." When asked why he had arrived at this decision, Jordan had this to say: "I may be 60 year old, by I'm confident I can play against anyone, anywhere at any time to this day. And there's no way I'm going to just stand by while LeBron sits above Kobe, Kareem, and myself on the all-time scorers list."
Jordan won't be wasting any time and plans to suit up against the Toronto Raptors in tomorrow's matchup. He further pledged to use the next few months to springboard towards a grander return next season where he guaranteed a championship for Charlotte in 2024.
Updates will be added as details emerge.
Sorry to disappoint any die-hard Jordan fans but you do know what yesterday was right? Yes. April 1st also known as April Fools. There is much uncertainty about the history of All Fools Day. Some believe it was a jab at All Saints Day (November 1) and All Souls Day (November 2). It is further believed that the practice of playing practical jokes traces back to 16th century France. During this time period, New Year's Day was actually celebrated March 25 in which people had a full week (yes week not day) of partying and exchanging gifts until April 1.
I don't know how many of my readers are conspiracy theorist out there. However, I just learned within the last few months that there was a major shake-up in our calendar (maybe I'll do more on this in another blog article???). Not to get too sidetracked though, in 1582, the Gregorian calendar moved New Year's Day to January 1. Those who either forgot or just were obstinate and downright refused to honor the new calendar were teasingly called, "April Fool!" Sometimes I think that maybe we got the fools part wrong. After all who thought it was a good idea to put the New Year which represents rebirth and new beginnings in the dead of winter? Looks like the jokes on us.
April Calendar 2023 |
April 1 is All Fools' Day-otherwise known as "April Fools' Day" |
April 2 is Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter and the last Sunday of Lent |
April 5 is the start of Passover, which begins at sundown on this day. So, if your religious group is passing wine and crackers on any other day other than this one, I regret to inform you, but you doing it wrong in more ways than one. ("I'm just the messenger.") |
April 7 is Good Friday. (More evidence that if you all wait until Sunday, April 9 to pass that wine you are a little late to the party. Remember, on the THIRD day He rose). |
April 9 is Easter Sunday (I'm not saying anymore on this. See my April 5th remarks. If you are still stuck and do not believe me, please research Nisan 14.) |
April 16 is Orthodox Easter. |
April 22 is Earth Day. (There is no place like home. Earth is home. Let's nurture her.) |
April 24 is the birthday of Robert B. Thomas, the founder of The Old Farmer's Almanac |
April 28 is National Arbor Day. (Trees help us breathe. Plant one today.) |
There are many other observances and awareness events that take place in April. April 1 kicks off Earth Month. Here are a few others:
National Garden Month |
Move More Month |
National Humor Month |
Paralyzed Veterans Across America Month |
National Poetry Month |
Stress Awareness Month |
Alcohol Awareness Month |
Sexual Assault Awareness Month |
Arab American Heritage Month |
National Pet Month |
Sarcoidosis Awareness Month |
Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month |
Testicular Cancer Awareness Month |
Distracted Driving Awareness Month |
National Kite Month |
Autism Awareness Month |
Counseling Awareness Month |
I'm sure there are a host of other awareness activities I missed along with the countless other awareness weeks featured in April. The point is, there are so many ways to engage your overall wellness by getting involved. Each of the above listed causes enhances either our spiritual wellness, social wellness, environmental wellness, physical wellness, intellectual wellness, or emotional wellness.
As always, we appreciate your readership and your support and would love to hear from you. Let us know in the comments below, which cause or activity will you engage in to enhance your wellness this month? Don't overwhelm yourself trying to do them all. Just choose one maybe two to try out. Please remember, wherever you are on this wellness journey, do not worry about getting it perfect; just get it going. Until next time. Happy reading!
This blog, I will dedicate the end of the blog quote to my fellow therapist/counselors out there. Happy Counseling Awareness Month (CAM) to you all! There is so much beauty in the work that we do. However, we have to take care of ourselves first. This is the only way we can better serve our clients and communities.

“We cannot pour from an empty cup as counselors. This Counseling Awareness Month, our theme ‘Get Fit for Your Future’ reminds counselors to prioritize keeping our minds, hearts and bodies in the best condition possible. Let’s take time to plan for and build on our own wellness regimens, so we can better serve our clients and still have the energy to fully engage with our family, friends and activities that bring us joy.” ~Kim Frazier, American Counseling Association President
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The former child welfare worker in me is appalled at my negligence. April is also Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month.
Oooh this is a fun little article! Birds and green! Not much of that here. Well, the typical ravens yes. And, still plenty of snow, and cloudy days! I live in one of those places. Lol
It's awareness month for many things! Cool to know! I'm always stressed, so there is that! Shoulder shrug! And, I am fortunate enough to know some amazing kiddos at the school I work in who are autistic.
Thanks for this!